miis tagged with: civil rights
Martin Luther King Jr.
Mii Plaza Name: MLK
Created by: Jonathan
Civil rights activist and minister. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his non-violent efforts to end segregation and famously spoke the words "I have a dream".
Created on the: Wii
Mahatma Gandhi
Mii Plaza Name: Ghandi
Created by: J.G.
Political and spiritual leader of India known for non-violent resistance to oppression.
Created on the: Wii
Reverend Al Sharpton
Mahatma Gandhi
Created by: Techno Tater
A nonviolent civil rights activist from India. Helped lead the Indian Independence Movement.
Created on the: Wii U
Mahatma Gandhi
Mii Plaza Name: Ghandi
Created by: Eric
Political and spiritual leader of India concerned with truth and 'resistance to evil through active, non-violent resistance'.
Created on the: Wii
Created by: NinjaNomad196
The preeminent leader of Indian nationalism in British-ruled India.
Categories: History
Created on the: 3ds