
Wii U Instructions



Fergie Mii Image by Alex
QR Code for Fergie by Alex

Mii Plaza Name: Fergie

Created by: Alex

Musician Stacy Ann Ferguson started as a cast member of Kids Incorporated and went on to become a member of the Black Eyed Peas before embarking on a successful solo career.

Tags: black eyed peas, kids incorporated

Categories: Music

Created on the: Wii

Wii U Instructions:

Start a new character from scratch and make these changes.

Headrow 3 column 1Type: 3rd row, 1st column
row 2 column 3Facial Structure: 2nd row, 3rd column
row 2 column 2Skin Color: 2nd row, 2nd column
Hairpage 9 row 4 column 2Type: 9th page, 4th row, 2nd column
row 4 column 1Color: 4th row, 1st column
Eyebrowspage 2 row 2 column 1Type: 2nd page, 2nd row, 1st column
make widerHorizontal: 1 wider
move downVertical: 3 down
Eyespage 3 row 3 column 1Type: 3rd page, 3rd row, 1st column
row 2 column 2Color: 2nd row, 2nd column
make widerHorizontal: 1 wider
Noserow 4 column 2Type: 4th row, 2nd column
make smallerSize: 1 smaller
move downVertical: 1 down
Mouthpage 1 row 1 column 2Type: 1st page, 1st row, 2nd column
row 1 column 2Color: 1st row, 2nd column
make biggerSize: 4 bigger
MolemoleAdd a mole
make smallerSize: 2 smaller
move upVertical: 11 up
Mustacherow 1 column 2Type: 1st row, 2nd column
make smallerSize: 4 smaller
move downVertical: 6 down
Facial Hair Colorrow 4 column 2Color: 4th row, 2nd column
SizeheightHeight: 59%
weightWeight: 34%
NicknameEnter NicknameFergie
Favorite ColorFavorite Color2nd row, 6th column
Mii CreatorPlease Credit the CreatorAlex