
Miitomo Instructions


Eddie Murphy

Eddie Murphy Mii Image by papi
QR Code for Eddie Murphy by papi

Mii Plaza Name: Ed Murphy

Created by: papi

Comedian and actor from "Saturday Night Live", "48 Hours", "Beverly Hills Cop", "Coming to America", "The Golden Child", "The Nutty Professor", "Shrek", etc.

Tags: 48 hours, beverly hills cop, comedian, coming to america, shrek, snl, the golden child, the nutty professor

Categories: Stars

Created on the: Wii

Miitomo Instructions:

Start a new character from scratch and make these changes.

Headrow 4 column 1Type: 2nd row, 5th column
row 3 column 3Facial Structure: 1st row, 5th column
row 2 column 2Skin Color: 2nd row, 2nd column
row 1 column 1Color: 1st row, 1st column
Eyebrowseyebrow shape
row 1 column 1Color: 1st row, 1st column
make smallerSize: 2 smaller
make widerHorizontal: 5 wider
move upVertical: 4 up
Eyeseye shape
rotate clockwiseRotate: 1 clockwise
make smallerSize: 1 smaller
make widerHorizontal: 4 wider
move upVertical: 3 up
Nosenose shape
make biggerSize: 4 bigger
move downVertical: 1 down
Mouthmouth shape
make biggerSize: 4 bigger
move downVertical: 4 down
Glassesrow 2 column 4Type: 2nd row, 4th column
make smallerSize: 4 smaller
move downVertical: 10 down
Mustacherow 1 column 2Type: 1st row, 2nd column
make biggerSize: 4 bigger
move downVertical: 2 down
MolemoleAdd a mole
make biggerSize: 4 bigger
move rightHorizontal: 6 right
move downVertical: 4 down
Beardrow 1 column 2Type: 1st row, 2nd column
Size (1st tab)heightHeight: 77%
weightWeight: 46%
Click "Next"
NicknameEnter NicknameEd Murphy

Alternative Miis